Posts Tagged ‘moobs’

From ‘fat’ to phwoar with ASDA’s hunk vest

November 24, 2009

Tuesday 24th November 2009

Guys, if your idea of a six-pack has you reaching for the Carling rather than the dumb-bells, we’ve found the perfect little stocking filler for you to add onto your Christmas wish-list.

Introducing, ASDA’s hunk vest!

The Body Sculp Vest from the nation’s leading supermarket clothes range, George, will set you (or your partner) back a mere £7. In return you will apparently be able to – temporarily – get rid of your ‘moobs’ (man-boobs) and get yourself an instant six pack (abs, muscles that is, not more beer).

It works in the same way that ‘spanky pants’ work for women – ok we admit, those ‘wash-board’ stomachs of ours aren’t the result of a gruelling diet and exercise regime! ASDA says that “the figure-hugging vest… uses reinforced elastene panels and durable fabric, [and] was developed in response to demand from body-image-conscious men … and their partners!”

Of course if you want to look fit once you remove the vest, you might want to look for a more permanent solution to banishing the affectionately named ‘love handles’ and that regretful beer-belly. Fat reduction by mesotherapy is a great natural way to shed the pounds and is even more effective when combined with a gentle exercise plan. It’s a safer alternative to lipo, yet more long lasting than a vest!

In fact we see more men coming through our doors these days than ever before as the whole nation becomes ever-more body-conscious. And we say, there’s nothing wrong with looking good!